Tuesday, 9 May 2017

IT'S RAINING BEN... and Sara Again Again

Declare your income and settle your sins, because it’s raining Sara!

Sara claims her title as most frequent guest prompting Ben to consider renaming the show It’s Saraining Ben. Though he probably won’t. After that brief dalliance the pair discuss unattended bags, undesirable jobs, Donald Trump in relation to Top Trumps, and whether you should choose strong and stable chips for lunch or take the trouble to make something healthy yourself.

Oh, and there’s a dog in the room.

Monday, 8 May 2017

IT'S RAINING BEN... with Sara & Ben B

Shut up your Velux and walk your dog fast because it's about to start raining Sara & Ben B!

Ben is joined by his longest running guests, and run they do in a more than averagely meandering episode. Questions are faced down, from an in depth analysis of hierarchy in the Chipmunks to the matter of mange tout vs. sugar snap peas. But more time is spent discussing Ben A's Krap Kulture Klub and Ben B's new opinions on motorbikes.

Plus Shia LaBeouf gets taken down, physically and emotionally, in a shock turn of role play events.
